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Brook & Kell Internet Sales - Consignment and Upscale Resale

Do you have items of value just taking up space in your home or office and you don't have the time to sell? Bring them to Brook & Kell Internet Sales! We will sell your item for you!

Crowne Property Management - A Property Management Company

Crowne Property Management is a property management company. Our knowledge of real estate economics and the application of this knowledge to each real estate property has been the keys to our success in managing income properties.

Our goal is to make the owners of income property as financially productive as possible.

Our specialty is individual property owners of houses, duplexes and multiplexes.

What We Do:
Crowne Property Management's job is to deal with the problems that property owners encounter as well as maximize the owners potential investment return.

Specific services that we administer:
  1. Fill vacant properties quickly and with good tenants.
  2. Collect rents promptly.
  3. Set rents correctly and recommend rent increases when appropriate.
  4. Screen tenants through credit checks and review of references.
  5. Administer lease renewals, renegotiations, correspondence, and when necessary, terminations.
  6. Regular inspections of properties.
  7. Fielding calls and supervising all maintenance and repairs.
  8. Disperse income to owners and pay expenses in a timely matter.
  9. Bookkeeping that is accurate and current.
  10. Address any problems that occur that would fall in the category of "headaches" for the property owner.

In addition, we will keep up-to-date the financial and legal developments that affect income property.

Upon agreement, we develop a good management plan for each owner. This plan will outline a service plan and propose rental increases and capital improvements when necessary. We also provide analysis to anticipate problems involving deferred maintenance, reserves, and the leasing of vacant properties.

We keep the owners informed of the total management picture of their property and provide council on a regular basis.

Depending on the needs and objective of the property owner, Crowne Property Management services can be limited or very thorough. We customize or services to the owner's goals.

If you are interested in hiring Crowne Property Management to perform all or some of your investment property duties, please contact us at 940-782-9234.